As the law banning religious organisations affiliated with the aggressor country is being prepared and comes into force, the Ukrainian mass media is publishing articles saying that the Moscow Patriarchate is getting ready for unity, but that due to its conflict past with the OCU, it needs to stay under the canonical umbrella of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and then one day it may enter into dialogue with the OCU. The hypothesis is «flavoured» with accusations bysome church theorists (most of whom neither livein Ukraine nor serve in Ukraine) that neither side (neither the MP nor the OCU) wants unity. Thisis a kind of levelling the parties. Our resource decided to try to investigate howtruly sincere are the intentions of the MP hierarchy in Ukraine to change the vector andmove away from Moscow. After all, peopleshould be prepared for the changes. Are there atleast minimal attempts to transform the mood oftheir own faithful and the ordinary, not alwayseducated clergy? The monitoring conducted by our team wasintended to determine whether the clergy of theMoscow Patriarchate make any changes in theeducation of the faithful. Since unity is the fruitof the efforts of all, both the faithful (who in theUOC-MP have great trust in their clergy) and theclergy themselves. During six weeks, we monitored the tone andnarratives of both social media posts created forordinary believers of the Moscow Patriarchateand the messages of official representatives ofthis jurisdiction. We analysed them on theFacebook pages of the resource. Then wesummarised them and asked renowned analysts inUkraine, people who have undisputed authority insociety, to comment. First, let’s briefly enumerate the key messages ofthe Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine, which areconveyed on the pages associated with thisjurisdiction. 1. «The authorities are God-fighting», they are «de-Christianising» society. 2. The OCU is «graceless», we should not betrayour patriarch (Kirill). 3. Priests and faithful continue to share theirthoughts about «persecutions», the wrongness ofautocephaly and «an attack on faith», dependingon their level of intelligence. «Persecutions» areto come before the coming of the Antichrist, «westand in the faith». 4. The demand to renounce Moscow is «a demandto renounce the faith of the fathers». Co-servingwith the OCU will mean «loss of grace». 5. Official speakers of the MP, such as Klyment Vecheria, resort to the usual fake clichés: …
Statement by UOC-MP bishops to ROC synod may reflect «corporate conflict» – Yelenskyi
The recent statement by bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) to the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) regarding …
Ukrainian church says brawl in Cherkasy church «deliberate provocation» to discredit Ukraine
The clashes outside the St. Michael Cathedral in Cherkasy were an attempt to create content for Russian propaganda. Metropolitan Yevstratiy (Zorya) of the Orthodox Church …
British lawyer: ROC – part of Russian military machine
The Russian Orthodox Church plays a direct role in supporting Russian war criminals. This was stated by British lawyer Jason McCue in aninterview with «Ukrinform». …
There cannot be a parallel jurisdiction in Ukraine – Archimandrite Romanos
The voluntary transfers of parishes, clergy and faithful, from the jurisdiction of Metropolitan Onoufrios in Kyiv, of uncertain canonical status, to the only canonical Orthodox …
Conspiracy against Ukraine: whom does Metropolitan Emmanuel hinder?
Orthodox Ukraine continues to monitor how persons directly and in directly connected with Moscow wanted to weaken the Ukrainian Church, create a canonical roof for …
In Search of a New Roof, or How They Try to Preserve the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine
Yaroslav Fedorchuk, religious observer, exclusive to the website Ukrainian Orthodoxy. Recently, strikingly similar comments have begun to appear across the Internet claiming that Ukraine is …
Russia continues to torture priests and destroy Ukrainian churches – IRF report
During the full-scale invasion, Russian troops damaged or wholly destroyed at least 630 churches, prayer houses, and other religious facilities in Ukraine. The Institute for …
Banning organizations affiliated with the Russian Orthodox Church is a common cause for legislators and citizens – Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy
The issue concerns one of the most high-profile bills expected by society. A bill that should have been adopted ten years ago. A bill that …